Our Founding
Whether it be playing as a group, learning something new, or mentoring other players; we tell tales. BlueBox is designed to be a community. A community that laughs together, supports each other, and encourages the love of Table Top RPGs.
This community was founded to offer kindness to friend and enemy. We throw no shade, and we embrace others even if they have different perspectives. The gentleness of the Druid is our guide with all of creation.
Our Core Purpose, Core Values, and Code of Conduct
Our Purpose
To weave fantasy roleplay tales that thrill and inspire childlike wonder for all ages.
Our values
Heroic Honor
In everything we do, BlueBox acts with honor befitting a Paladin. Tell the truth. Do the right thing.
Alloy of Tale and Tech
We believe in the original Gygaxian vision, while embracing the latest streaming tech, A/V, VTT, miniatures and Terrain. Old and new are alloyed. Editions don’t matter, stories and people do.
Kindness to All
We proffer kindness to friend and enemy alike. We throw no shade; we embrace others, and we celebrate those whose who offer different perspectives, even when we disagree.
Strive to Stay in the Story
Whether we’re laughing, crying, slicing monsters, or hurling imprecations… we tell tales. Shy away from overmuch story distraction.
Give as We’ve Been Given
We give relentlessly. We celebrate the creative community, and we use what we are blessed with to bless others.
Our conduct
Honor the game, and stay true to the creative vision of BlueBox.
Never disparage others. No shade, no insults. Be kind (see the core value above)
Celebrate the creative community, and use what we are blessed with to bless others. The charity of the Cleric will guide you.
Offer kindness to friend and enemy alike. Throw no shade; embrace others, and celebrate those whose who offer different perspectives, even when there is disagreement. The gentleness of the Druid can be your guide with all of creation.